Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New program thoughts..

There's few things out there as satisfying as a huge meal full of protein. I think it speaks to the inner animal in us to tear into a steak or gnaw on chicken bones. I've been on an extremely high protein diet (well... comparatively to my old diet) and it's been wonderful.

It's all part of the new program that I've been tinkering around with in the dark recesses of my little apartment. This program is turning out to be the shit. I'll get my pictures posted on the 10th (and explain why the 10th is special) that show the differences it's had in shaping my physique. It seems to fill in a few holes that were becoming evident in my paleo lifestyle.

Don't mistake my words though. I will always highly advocate the paleo/primal diet and I will always tout the benefits of natural living, it's insanely effective and important to me. In fact the program I'm playing around with works really well with the paleo diet. But here's the thing... when I began the paleo diet and for about 6 months afterwards I was a fucking snob.


I remember going to a birthday party and feeling twinges of judgement on the people stuffing their faces with cake and soda, thinking "Fools! Why do you do such damage to your health!?" I had all the vigilant zeal of a young missionary in a foreign land, and for a while I felt good about it. Let a few months pass and enough social events slide through your fingers though, and a recipe for disaster awaits you.

I would end up breaking hard. One night after a long flawless streak of several months, I went to a dance that PLU was holding. Low and behold, every snack at the party was grain based: cookies, brownies, chex mix, turkey wraps, pretzels... it was horrible. My mind snapped and I ended up binging on the stuff. The sad part is that the entire night was ruined for me, first because I didn't want to be put in the position where I might compromise my diet, and secondly because I failed so badly when temptation arose. The saddest part is that I was letting my diet get in the way of living my life. I went off of it for a few months to go out and have fun with friends and of course I took that too far too and ended up going back to strict paleo.

So paleo is great and it works, but when the price you pay is your social life, it gets to the point where you start to resent your newfound lifestyle. "Why do I have to suffer to be healthy?"

My new program fixes that. I'm gaining a ton of muscle, burning fat, and I am not afraid to go out for beer on a Saturday night, or to have a bowl of ice cream on a Wednesday afternoon. I am now in a position to where I can have my health and enjoy it too.

When I post my progress pics, I'll also post a few of the basics of the system I follow. I'll also post a link to the webpage where you can go to learn more and hopefully try it out yourself. You won't be disappointed.

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