Monday, January 17, 2011

My note to the readers.

I’ve come to find that most everyone I talk to believes that they know what consists of a healthy diet. Yet most people I talk to also find themselves unhappy with their physique, being sick often, lacking energy, having skin problems, digestive problems, inflammation, etc… All of which are red flags that your diet may be in need of some scrutiny, even though you may think it’s pretty decent.
 I guess that a big part of the problem stems from the fact that at an early age we are made to believe that some foods are healthy when they are not, and that some foods are unhealthy when in fact they are good for us. I hate this for so many reasons, but possibly the biggest reason would be the fact that it makes attaining good health more difficult than it needs to be. I don’t know how many years I wasted on stressing over 6 small meals a day, never skipping my breakfast of oatmeal or whole grain cereal, trying to keep my diet low in fat and high in carbs, worrying about whether I should have a meal right before I worked out, right after, or even during the workout. I had unanswered questions like “What kind of protein shake will give me the best results?”, “Should I be taking these supplements they advertise in this bodybuilding magazine?”, and of course, “Why am I still fat?”
I nearly got to the point where I was just going to chalk it up to genetics like I was destined to be fat and probably would end up a diabetic. Luckily I didn’t .
If there’s anything I want you to take away from what I write here, it’s the idea that you have to educate yourself; learn what you can and put it to the test. Find out what works best for you and what doesn’t. If you're fat and unhappy, you probably need to try something new to change that. 
Most of what I write will be my personal experiences backed up by actual studies and evidence, so I have faith in the information that I present to you. I'm currently testing 2 new ideas and 1 new training routine that you won't hear the details of until I've learned how they work on me. So if I write something here, that means I've put myself through the paces and seen results, negative or positive. I'd like you to try the same because in the end, we will only get better by breaking through barriers and exploring new frontiers. As Bruce Lee once said: "Running water never grows stale." 



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